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Hawaii, May 2002

Our Tenth Anniversary


For our tenth anniversary, we decided to spend ten days getting to know our fiftieth state. We spent three days on the lush (and rainy) isand of Kauai, four days driving around Hawaii - the Big Island, two days in western Maui, and much to our surprise, one day at Waikiki Beach on Oahu (more on that later). Remember you can click on the photos to enlarge them. Enjoy your visit.


Kauai, The Garden Isle


The first few days on Kauai were not at all what we expected of Hawaii. Our entire trip was outdoor based and while we were prepared for rain, we weren't prepared for the torrential tropical downpours that occured. We were supposed to be getting these beautiful views on our hikes, but all we could see was fog.





Day 3: Na Pali Coast

The morning of Day Three, we got up early, went back to the start of the Na Pali coast trail and did our hike. It was wonderful and well worth the return trip and extra effort.


Day 2: Kiluaea Wildlife Refuge


Day two was a little bit better. We visited a US Fish and Wildlife Refuge which had a historic lighthouse and was home to several species of birds. We also went to a guave plantation and did a scenic drive through Hanalei Valley. However, by the time we got to the main event of the day, a hike to see the famed Na Pali coast, the rains began. We attempted the hike anyway but were forced to turn back after 15 minutes.


After the rain, we did some additional sightseeing including visiting several waterfalls and Holoholoku Heaiu which was used as a birthing place for royal babies and as a temple for human sacrafices.




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